Say “No” to “Yes” Men

Say “No” to “Yes” Men

A Board of Advisors can bring you an objective new voice untethered from the conflicts of interest within your company

We help businesses create first-time boards of advisors

Using a streamlined method to get you up and running quickly without getting bogged down in a long, complicated process

Does this sound like you …

Business Growth is Slowing

We’re successful, but we need the next new thing. We have the ideas but we need someone to help us validate them.

Too Many Decision Bottlenecks

We miss opportunities because we’re sensitive to other family members feelings when setting project priorities.

More Time for Planning

We lack strategic direction, because we’re too caught up in the day-to-day operations to spend time on planning.

Didn’t See That Coming

We’re often blindsided with a crisis, because we don’t have any experience in the later stages of growth.

Creating a board of advisors could perhaps be the best investment a business owner can make

Why Haven’t You Created a Board Yet?

You’re not alone


of middle market companies have an advisory board


of businesses with an advisory board say it has had a significant impact

Top Concerns for Creating a Board of Advisors

Our Approach

Our approach is different than most

We’ve worked with many family businesses and have even been involved in ones ourselves. Everyone needs a board of advisors, but the typical process for creating one seems flawed.

We’ve developed a streamlined process that you can use to get up and running on your own without a long complicated and expensive consulting engagement. We remove the mystery of creating a board by providing you with a clear and detailed guide to create an effective board of advisors.

This is not your typical newsletter. In addition to current news and trendy topics, we bring a regular dose of real-world business crises. Sometimes edgy, sometimes funny, but always relatable. We like to think of it as The Harvard Business Review meets The National Enquirer. Because we feel we often learn more from the mistakes than just the successes. Sign up to receive our online newsletter.

Our Take

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

-Henry Ford

Great things never come from comfort zones. We believe in order to be successful you need to have a continuous improvement mindset. Always challenging the status quo and being open to fresh new ideas from professionals who have been there, done that.

An advisory board can bring that to you. Creating a board of advisors could perhaps be the best investment that a business owner can make.

Feel like you’re getting to know us.


Developing a Board of Advisors

A 10-step approach for creating a board of advisors. The definitive how-to guide for family and privately-owned businesses.

Our no-nonsense approach removes the mystery of creating a board and provides you with a clear how-to guide, insight, tools and methodology.

Are You Ready?

We’d enjoy the opportunity to discuss how a board of advisors can help your business. Even if you’re not sure you’re ready we’d still enjoy chatting.

No pressure. No commitment. We promise.